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We’ll keep you informed

Combox Pro Fax service shutdown by Swisscom

Combox Pro Fax service shutdown by Swisscom

Combox Pro Fax service discontinued by Swisscom: We have the alternative available at Sunrise and VTX We would like to inform you of an important update regarding communication services within Swisscom. The announcement of the termination of its Fax Combox Pro...

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Optimize your IT and Telecom costs

Optimize your IT and Telecom costs

Optimize your IT and telecommunications costs with our IT department In an economic context where cost control is more essential than ever, our IT department is positioned as a key player to help you optimize your expenses in two crucial areas: IT and telephony (fixed...

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What is AI?

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence The term " Artificial Intelligence " (AI) has entered the common language and has been much talked about in recent months. Yet AI is not new... In reality this discipline at about sixty years. It brings together sciences, theories and...

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Connected objects and cybersecurity

Connected objects and cybersecurity

Connected objects and cybersecurity: a relationship to watch   Connected objects have invaded our daily lives: from smartphones to smart watches , thermostats, security cameras and even refrigerators or baby monitors. These connected devices offer innovative...

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Deconcentration of Internet users

The deconcentration of Internet users on the web   The Internet has become an incredibly competitive place to capture the attention of Internet users. With billions of websites and an overwhelming amount of content published every day, it's no surprise that many...

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All about the Cloud

All about the Cloud

What is the cloud? The Cloud is a model for delivering IT services over the Internet, providing access to shared computing resources such as servers, applications, databases, storage, and networks. In other words, the cloud is a place where you can store and access...

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Cyberattacks & companies in 2023

Cyberattacks & companies in 2023

Cyberattacks, a growing threat to societies No sector is spared, from the smallest companies to the largest, cyberattacks are exploding and can undo years of work. Health, administration and education were hit hard last year. A cyberattack obviously has an immediate...

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Power failure and computer system

Power failure and computer system

Preparing for an electricity shortage It is at the end of winter, in February or March, that our country is likely to face power cuts, because Switzerland does not produce enough energy in winter. Insurance companies have already warned individuals and businesses that...

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Sunrise in 2022

Sunrise in 2022

Exceptional mobile network in 2022 Once again this year, and for the 6th time in a row, the Sunrise mobile network was rated "exceptional" in the mobile network test of the magazine "Connect". The Sunrise network is the only mobile network in Switzerland to have won...

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DPA: Data Protection

DPA: Data Protection

The protection of your data in Switzerland   New data protection law in Switzerland   The new data protection law in Switzerland will come into force soon. What should we expect? What are the differences with the GDPR ? And how does this law protect us?...

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Cybersecurity in summer

Cybersecurity in summer

Your security on the internet during your holidays   Data is everywhere, so it's important to understand what data security is and to adopt best practices to protect yourself during the summer holidays. Holidays rhyme with rest, sun and family... To avoid falling...

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5G and its impact on data centers

5G and its impact on data centers

What is 5G? The 5G network encompasses a set of technologies corresponding to the fifth generation of the standard for mobile telephony. 5G is currently the most advanced form of very high-speed Internet access. The principle of its operation is the same as that of...

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Website: user experience or UX

Website: user experience or UX

User Experience or UX   The user experience on a site is the ease for a user to navigate on this site. It highlights a fluid, pleasant and intuitive interaction. This term is recent, it was first used in 1995. The UX is very broad and takes into account many...

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All about Smishing

All about Smishing

What is Smishing?   Smishing, short for " SMS " and " phishing ," is a new online scam. It consists of sending SMS messages convincing enough to encourage the target of the Smishing to do an action: click on a link, download a (malicious) program or send private...

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The flexible office

The flexible office

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic,it is becoming clear that our professional lives have changed permanently. Many of us haven't returned to our offices in several months, and some may even now choose never to return. Working remotely is obviously not new, but it's...

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Data centers

Data centers

All about Data Centers   What is a data center?   Data center is a physical site that includes computer facilities. Its purpose is to store and redistribute data via the Internet. Important components of a data center are routers, switches, firewalls,...

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GAFAM dominates the world

GAFAM dominates the world

What is GAFAM?   GAFAM are the initials of the well-known: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. They are also nicknamed "Big Five". These are the 5 tech giants that dominate the world today thanks to Big Data. They continue to gain influence, make the...

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Digital Identity

Digital Identity

Risks around digital identity for companies   Digital identity is a strength for a company: it reflects a well-established brand image and a recognizable name. But it is still necessary that this image is mastered. This immaterial identity can quickly turn into...

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Sunrise: the most reliable operator in Switzerland

Sunrise: the most reliable operator in Switzerland

Telephony with Sunrise   Sunrise is the leading non-state-controlled telecommunications company in Switzerland. It offers telephony services to individuals and professionals, as well as internet and television access. It is positioned as the main challenger by...

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Information technology

Information technology

Omnipresence of IT in our daily lives   Computer science is now called IT according to its English acronym (contraction of Information Technology or information technologies). IT is very widely present in our daily professional lives. IT includes a wide set of...

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The Cloud

The Cloud

What is Cloud Computing?   « Cloud » A name that refers to the fact that the information present in this "cloud" is only accessible via the internet on remote servers. The cloud is therefore a set of online and remote storage system. The information put on the...

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Clebex: space management application

Clebex: space management application

What is space management? Space managementis the management of the inventory of different physical spaces in an organization. To properly manage information about the occupancy of the premises,a good development strategy is essential. Since the Covid-19 crisis and the...

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IT support: Helpdesk

IT support: Helpdesk

What is IT support?   An IT supportalso called Helpdesk, is a help center. It is composed of qualified IT technicians who offer companies a privileged contact and a professional listening. The objective is to respond to requests for incidents, breakdowns or...

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Global shortage of microchips

Global shortage of microchips

Drought in Taiwan   Taiwan is facing its worst drought in 56 years. Rainfall has dropped by 20-60% depending on the location, due to the absence of a typhoon in 2020. It has already been about ten years since this state, located in the south-east of China,has...

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